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- Consciousness & What It Means To Grow
Consciousness & What It Means To Grow
Hey there 1nf1n1ty Fam!
It’s your boy, Mr.1nf1nty here. As a reminder, every week I’m going to share insights from one of my 4 pillars of longevity:
Physical Health
Today we are focusing on mindset and I want to dig into something a lot of you have been reaching out about—consciousness and what it really means to grow. See, a lot of times, I get questions asking what I mean by “less is more” or how to deal with all the books, advice, and strategies out there. And it’s true; there’s a lot of noise, a lot of information, and sometimes, even after all that input, the path forward can feel tough. So today, I’m diving in to share what doesn’t get talked about enough - conscious growth.
Conscious Growth Means Facing Pain—and Shedding Old Layers
When you start growing consciously, you’re not just “learning” or picking up new habits; you’re peeling back the layers of who you thought you were. I’m talking about shedding old identities, breaking down belief systems, letting go of assumptions we’ve all had about ourselves and life. It’s like taking apart an old foundation and realizing that some of the things you’ve believed your whole life just aren’t true. And that’s not easy. You’ll lose some old connections, and even parts of yourself will start to fall away.
And here’s the part that people don’t talk about enough: conscious growth is often painful. We live in a society so focused on appearances—everyone trying to fit in, putting on the mask to act a certain way, to look a certain way, to blend in with societal norms. But when you’re really evolving, it’s almost the opposite of what society wants from us. True growth is about stepping outside those norms and being comfortable not fitting in. And let’s be real: that’s uncomfortable.
Embrace Discomfort—That’s the Real Work
So, if you’re in this with me, if you’re part of the .0001 Family, I’m here to remind you: this path requires you to embrace discomfort and pain. Growth isn’t some smooth ride. It’s about facing the beliefs, ideas, and fears that have been holding us back, many of which were put on us as kids or pushed on us by the collective society.
If you’re serious about this journey, you’ll need to challenge those limiting beliefs head-on. And if you’re not ready to face that discomfort, if you’re not ready to let go of the old programming, then it’ll be tough. In fact, I’m saying this with all sincerity—maybe stop now if you’re not ready to embrace that. Because staying where you’re comfortable, following the collective mindset, will lead to a smoother, easier life. But if you choose to grow? Expect some resistance. Expect challenges. Growth is painful—but it’s worth it.
Society is Waking Up—And That’s Powerful
Now here’s something exciting: more and more people are waking up to this reality. Maybe you’re feeling it too—knowing something is off, sensing that what we’ve been told to believe doesn’t serve our highest good. And when I say “highest good,” I’m talking about our true, spiritual, conscious selves—the part of us that’s tuned in to a deeper purpose. This process isn’t about making life easier; the challenges will keep coming, and they might even get steeper as you awaken. But this journey, stepping into your highest self, is the most powerful thing you can do.
As we keep building this community and diving into these real conversations, I want you to know you’re not alone in this. I’m here, we’re here as a community, and together, we’re tackling the real stuff that creates meaningful, lasting growth.
What’s New With Me
Check out the 4 Shoulder Standards that we use in the ATG Longevity Program.
I went on my good friend Lance Kearse’s podcast, Kaptainplantit, to talk about the 7 Natural Doctors. Check out the full episode below and let me know what you think!
That’s all for today. Looking forward to talking with you all every week. Hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts on the newsletter and any topics you want me to cover. I read every email!
And remember, you are 100% responsible for your reality.
Talk soon,
Mr. 1nf1n1ty